سامانه مدیریت نشریات علمی دانشگاه شاهد


Host Related Genetic and Nutrition Factors Play the Key Roles in COVID-19 Severity

صفحه 67-68
Tooba Ghazanfari


The Potential Effects of Scrophularia Striata Boiss on COVID-19

صفحه 69-72
Sajjad Jafari؛ Majid Dadmehr؛ Yaeghob Sharifi؛ Shirin Manshouri؛ Monireh Kamali؛ Zahra Vahidi Emami؛ Reyhane Rasizadeh؛ Farhad Seif


AK2 Antibacterial Synthetic Peptide Can Potentiate Macrophage Responses

صفحه 73-82
Mohammad Mehdi Adibzadeh Sereshgi؛ Sahar Salimi؛ Hassan Noorbazargan


No Alternation in Treg Frequency in Peripheral Blood of Chrmical Vitems With Long-term Mild-moderate Pulmonary Complication

صفحه 83-90
Nafiseh Zand؛ Mahmood Bozorgmehr؛ Ali Reza Sabetpour؛ Mohammad Mahdi Naghizadeh؛ Ensieh Sadat Mirsharif؛ Tooba Ghazanfari


Immunomodulatory Impacts of Bulbs Extracts From Five Allium Species on IFN-γ, IL-4, and IL-17 Cytokines

صفحه 91-100
Tayebeh Radjabian؛ Zahra Hosseinpur Yektaei؛ Mohammad Mehdi Naghizadeh؛ Tooba Ghazanfari


Recombinant Rabies Virus With a Multiple Cloning Site: A Platform Capable of Immunological Alterations

صفحه 101-108
Seyed Hamidreza Naghi Mousavi؛ Alireza Gholami؛ Mojtaba Jafarinia؛ Mehdi Ajorloo


The Association Between the rs1805329 of Rad23B Polymorphism and Severity of Lung Complications of Patients Exposed to Sulfur Mustard in Long Term

صفحه 109-116
Mohammad Saber Zamani؛ Tooba Ghazanfari؛ Soghrat Faghihzadeh


Routine Laboratory Parameters as a Tool for Predicting Death in Patients With COVID-19

صفحه 117-127
Atefeh Soltani؛ Maryam Eskandari Mehrabadi؛ Shima Sheikhi؛ Marjan Faghih؛ Mohsen Abdolmaleki