سامانه مدیریت نشریات علمی دانشگاه شاهد

Daneshmandi, Ali akbar, Noorossana, Rassoul, Farahbakhsh, Kiumars. (1399). Developing Statistical Process Control to Monitor the Values Education Process. , 5(1), 33-54. doi: 10.22070/jqepo.2020.4514.1112
Ali akbar Daneshmandi; Rassoul Noorossana; Kiumars Farahbakhsh. "Developing Statistical Process Control to Monitor the Values Education Process". , 5, 1, 1399, 33-54. doi: 10.22070/jqepo.2020.4514.1112
Daneshmandi, Ali akbar, Noorossana, Rassoul, Farahbakhsh, Kiumars. (1399). 'Developing Statistical Process Control to Monitor the Values Education Process', , 5(1), pp. 33-54. doi: 10.22070/jqepo.2020.4514.1112
Daneshmandi, Ali akbar, Noorossana, Rassoul, Farahbakhsh, Kiumars. Developing Statistical Process Control to Monitor the Values Education Process. , 1399; 5(1): 33-54. doi: 10.22070/jqepo.2020.4514.1112